Manchester Chargers are the premier Touch club in the North West, and our goal is to develop the game, grow participation and help more people to play Touch, more often.
To achieve this, Manchester Chargers relies on volunteers to ensure the smooth running and continued progression of the club. From booking pitches, developing training plans, organising our annual Bootcamp, to completing covid risk assessments and keeping the team safe, our leadership team are continuously working hard for the club in the background.
The current leadership team are:
Chair – Sarah Bellew
Operations Manager – Becci Pearce
Finance, Membership and Website Manager – Gregg Cropper
Development and Recruitment Manager – Paul Riordan
For us to continue to be a success, we need to be a team off the pitch as well as on it. We understand that being a permanent member of the club committee may feel like a big job (and it sometimes is!), so to help us to help you, we are asking that our fabulous players come forward to offer to support us with small timebound tasks.
This might include calling a few sports clubs for pitch availability, taking some pictures of the team or doing some marketing on social media for example. Whatever you're interested in doing, please get in touch, as there are lots of opportunities for you to contribute towards YOUR CLUB.
Some jobs that are currently up for grabs include:
Further developing the 2021 training plan
Searching for pitch availability for an extra skills based/squad training sessions
Training night photographer to create some videos/team pics to share all your hard work
People to input into our revised club handbook (we need to know what you want in it)
People who are interested in reffing/coaching to come forward so we can work together to create opportunities/point you to the correct training
Bootcamp support to help new players feel welcome/check people in/support the fun games/support this years coach.
If you have any questions about any aspect of training or the club in general drop us a line on manchesterchargers@hotmail.co.uk or contact any of the leadership team via the club WhatsApp group or message through Facebook page.
Touch love.
The Chargers Committee